A Taste Of Carnival 2018 registration

You can register using the online form on this page or download a paper form from this page. Please note you need to pay a small registration fee which you can pay using the link at the bottom of this page.

Download a paper copy of the registration form:


You can pay your registration fee online here

    About the adults (age 18+) in your party

    First Adult

    Second Adult

    Your relationship to children taking part in the workshop

    I am the parent/carer/responsible adult (responsibility by consent of child’s parent or guardian) (required)

    About the children (aged 6-15) in your party

    First child

    Second child

    Third child

    Your consent

    Please tick the boxes you agree with:

    I am happy for photos/video/audio recordings to be made of everyone in my party.I agree to these being used in Leeds West Indian Carnival marketing materials, website and social media.

    (Please let us know on the day if you do not wish images, footage and/or audio of anyone in your party to be used).

    Risk and Security

    I agree to all those listed above taking part in the TASTE OF CARNIVAL FAMILY WORKSHOPS ON APRIL 2ND 2018 organised by Leeds West Indian Carnival.

    The safety and comfort of our participants will be our priority at this event. Risk Assessments are carried out by LWIC before and during all activities, which will be revised if/as appropriate.
    I understand that I will be responsible for the children listed above. I also understand that whilst every care will be taken by LWIC (committee members, contracted artists and volunteers) that they cannot be held responsible for any accidents that arise out of unreasonable and or inappropriate behaviour of participants. I am aware that some of the activities may carry risks which LWIC will take all measures to minimise or eliminate (including explaining any hazards, safe practices, emergency procedures; using experienced facilitators and ensuring first aid cover).

    You can pay your registration fee online here

