So you’ve decided to take in the sights and sounds of Leeds Carnival. Here are a few tips to help make sure you enjoy the day.
- Take in the official events. There’s a lot happening around carnival that all makes for a great weekend. Click here to see the full programme of official Leeds West Indian Carnival 2020 events.
- Come early and pick a good spot – that way you get a great view and don’t have to jostle with crowds for position. Click here to see the full Leeds West Indian Carnival Route
- Leave the car at home and come to carnival on public transport. If you must drive and manage to find a parking spot do be considerate to local residents. Click here for full info on how to get to the Carnival
- To jam or not to jam – during the carnival parade, watch or dance to the music but please try to do it from the sidelines and avoid the temptation to ‘jump-up’ with a troupe who have worked hard at a cohesive routine and costume impact. If the urge is too much – NEXT YEAR WEAR A COSTUME!
- Wear comfortable footwear – if you’re following the procession or jamming with the crowds wear comfy shoes. Flip flops and high heels are NOT your best bet!
- A small buggy, baby sling or harness is easier to manage and keeps little ones close.
- Remember your usual food hygiene – it’s a big event with thousands of people and hundreds of food and drink stalls to choose from. Bring hand sanitizer.
- Stay hydrated – especially if it’s a hot day. And speaking of drink…
- Drink responsibly – the best way to have great carnival memories? Don’t overdo the alcohol!
- Arrange a meeting spot – with family and friends in case anyone gets lost.
- Be sensible – keep your valuables, personal possessions, keys, phones and money close and covered. It’s common sense.
- Leave the attitude at home – it’s a BIG event that everyone wants to enjoy. Just relax, SMILE and take it all in!